50 or over and getting the flu vaccine?

Here are some reasons to also ask for ZOSTAVAX® II: the shingles vaccine.
It is estimated that nearly 1 in 3 people
will experience shingles in their lifetime. And if you’re 50 or over, you’re at increased risk.
95% of Canadian adults have had
chickenpox and are at risk of shingles.

It’s highly likely you’ve had chickenpox – even if you don’t remember it. The chickenpox virus stays in your body and can sometimes reactivate as shingles.
What is shingles

Shingles is a painful, blistering rash that can last several weeks and may sometimes result in scarring.

For most people, the pain resolves as the rash heals. But for some, long-term nerve pain can last for months or even years.
Rash on face

Rash on body
If you’re 50 or over, ask your doctor or pharmacist
for ZOSTAVAX® II: the shingles vaccine.
Print this reminder card and show it to your doctor or pharmacist when you get your flu vaccine. Should I be getting the shingles vaccine? Factors to consider include: I am 50 or over. I do not want to get shingles. Scheduled date of shingles vaccination: (To be filled out by your doctor or pharmacist.) Please click here to print the card
Learn more at TheShinglesVaccine.ca

ZOSTAVAX® II is for the prevention of shingles. It cannot be used to reduce or treat the complications or mortality associated with active shingles.

ZOSTAVAX® II does not protect everyone, so some people who get the vaccine may still get shingles. However, if you develop shingles despite being vaccinated, ZOSTAVAX® II can help reduce the intensity and duration of pain. ZOSTAVAX® II is indicated for the prevention of herpes zoster (shingles) and for immunization of individuals 50 years of age or older. ZOSTAVAX® II cannot be used to treat existing shingles or the pain associated with existing shingles. Side effects and allergic reactions can occur. The most common side effects were at the injection site and included redness, pain, swelling, hard lump, itching, warmth, and bruising. Headache and pain in the arm or leg were also reported. ZOSTAVAX® II should not be used if you have a blood disorder or any type of cancer that weakens your immune system, a weakened immune system as a result of a disease, medication, or other treatment, active untreated tuberculosis or if you are pregnant. Ask your healthcare provider if ZOSTAVAX® II is right for you.
Zostavax® II
© 2015 Merck Canada Inc. All rights reserved.
Merck Canada Inc., 16750 Trans Canada Highway, Kirkland, Québec, Canada, H9H 4M7
® Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. Used under license. VACC-1152212-0000